Prairie Sport Horses Fees & Services
Policy of not saying "no" to any request; however, most requests  generate a small surcharge
(Please complete special request sheet)

  • Board:                                                                                                             
  • Stall Board Option 1: $750 + tax; board with 2 use or lose it lessons weekly 
  • Stall Board Option 2:  885+ tax; board with 1 use it or lose it  & 1 training session weekly. Additional training and/or group lessons
  • Stall Board Option 3: $930 Stall board and training sessions at $45 per session (min. 2/wk).
  • Foal Pasture: $410 + Tax(without services or lessons); includes grain fed both AM&PM
  • Pasture Board Option 1: $495 + tax with 1 use or lose lesson weekly
  • Pasture Board Option 2: $575 + tax with 2 use or lose lesson weekly
  • Pasture Board Retired Horse: $500 Pasture board with grain fed both AM&PM. Weekly grooming/wellness check.
         *Stall board available for additional charge ($35/dry stall & $50/stall with bedding & stall 
           cleaning service) if horse is injured, bad weather, special occasion...
  • New Boarders:  discounted shipping rate within Dane County
  • Special feed &/or Medications: $75/month + cost of feed &/or supplement.
  • NOTE: Turn out for stall board horses is in pairs. Solo turn out incurs a $75/month charge.
  • Prairie Sport Horses offers supervised riding/lessons to riders who enter into a lease or shareboard agreement.
  • Private schooling: $100 per hour.
  • Private schooling: $65 per half hour.
Many services available priced on a case-by-case basis:
  • Horse transportation
  • Grooming:
​         *Clipping
         *Mane Pulling
  • Regular Vet & Farrier visits
         *Paid directly to provider
  • Medical care(medication extra).
  • ​Special Care: feeds, supplements or extra bedding available for additional charge.
  • Horse leases and share board arrangements on a case-by-case basis
  • Many other services and products available.

Horse Training or Exercising:
  • $45 for jump or flat training.
Horse shows:

  • Coaching: $75 per day.
  •  Horse Training: $45
  •   Groom options: 
        *Full Groom @ $75 per day (includes all horse care,tack care,loading of horse & 
         equipment; <braiding extra>)        
       *1/4 Groom @ $35 per day
        *Loading:  $12 for either loading or unloading horse, tack and/or tack trunk (if riders are absent)